Geek | How to make your site appear in search engines?

Unique and best content encourages people to link to your blogs and appeared in Google your pages are interesting and has authority. This leads to search engine success because Google wants to show innovative and interesting authoritative pages in its search results to keep his trust life longer among people. Is that simple? Not for all of us.
How does search engines ranks?
The best search engine is Google and Google only promotes the authority pages to the top of its result according to the keyword density. So its tip number 1 and your job to create prominent and unique pages or blogs that become authority pages. This process involves writing content people and useful facts, because useful content has 90% of chance to get shared in other blogs like, twitter feeds, Facebook etc. and time after time Google picks up on these authority pages to the top of its search result. This remarkable circle creates a strong and sustainable strength in Google rankings. Write fantastic and original content that contains words and phrases used by people who search for your keywords or products. Useful content helps in lift up your pages fast in search engines rankings. (SEO) Search Engine Optimization is the simplest method of getting a website or blog visible in the search engines for that relevant words and phrases to what the site revolves and what it offering about. In other terms you can said that it’s simply called quality control of content on your website. Majority of people whispering and said that if there was an industry that was little understood by outsiders it’s called SEO. If you ask some SEO companies or private offices who offer this service regards SEO they’ll try to make you blind with various reasons and confuse you scientifically and put pressure on your mind into thinking that this is a black art. Just ask to some companies that what is SEO and after day end you just hear about an Algorithm. When you ask about what is algorithm? They’ll try to confuse you again and ensure you with illogical parallel lines. This type of confusing is not called SEO our motive to write this content is only about to aware you from the circumstances that genuinely connected with SEO and search engines. If you carefully read this article you’ll found the answer of what is SEO. Quality content and useful articles that really help people to gain knowledge, information, needed stuff with logical reasons and facts without any fake determination is called SEO. Original and quality content is just like cream for his algorithm. When you’re content get shared blogs after blogs search engines automatically rank your pages on those keywords phrases that you site talking about.