A Engineer Life | The CEO of IBM says he doesn't intend to 'get rid of' a single programmer because of AI

Amid growing fears of AI-induced job cuts, IBM's CEO Arvind Krishna says he doesn't intend to lose any programmers because of the technology. Krishna predicted that programmers would become 30% more productive because of AI. "I don't intend to get rid of a single one. I'll get more," he said about the company's programmers during Fortune's CEO Initiative conference on Tuesday. Krishna further said that his company was increasing the number of software engineering and sales roles in the next three to four years but expected to phase out back-office HR roles.
This meant more jobs were created than lost due to AI, he said, adding:
"The first thing you can automate is a repetitive, white-collar job," said Krishna. He added that while AI could take over 10 to 20% of "lower level" tasks, it was unlikely to automate away somebody's entire job. Krishna previously said his company would halt hiring for certain jobs that could be replaced by AI. More detail : https://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-ceo-automation-ai-repetitive-white-collar-jobs-cuts-2023-10